Monday, April 28, 2014

Abril, 25.

Apesar do "atraso" de uns dias, a merecida publicação.
Acerca da liberdade.

25 de Abril 

Esta é a madrugada que eu esperava
O dia inicial inteiro e limpo
Onde emergimos da noite e do silêncio
E livres habitamos a substância do tempo 

(Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, in 'O Nome das Coisas')

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

feliz Dia da Terra.

“The aim of science is to discover and illuminate truth. And that, I take it, is the aim of literature, whether biography or history... It seems to me, then, that there can be no separate literature of science."
Rachel Carson

como em (quase) tudo.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

férias criativas.

E, porque as férias da Páscoa para os mais novos são tempo de yoga e escrita criativa, por excelência. :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

flexibilidade, o caminho para o inquebrável.

Nao Tamura

“The flexible are preserved unbroken. 

The bent become straight. The empty are filled. The exhausted become renewed. The poor are enriched. The rich are confounded. Therefore the sage embraces the one. Because he doesn't display himself, people can see his light. Because he has nothing to prove, people can trust his words. Because he doesn't know who he is, people recognize themselves in him. Because he has no goal in mind, everything he does succeeds. The old saying that the flexible are preserved unbroken is surely right! If you have truely attained wholeness, everything will flock to you.” 

Lao Tzu

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

pequenas delícias.

Porque a partilha (subentenda-se eventual publicidade) de coisas boas vale (quase) sempre a pena (desde que, a posteriori, a sobre ou desvalorização não tenham lugar!).


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