Sunday, May 3, 2009

daquilo que não é Jornalismo e qualquer semelhança a ele, é duvidosa.

D'Olho Vivo, rubrica do Eduardo Cintra Torres, no Público.

Soube mesmo bem ler isto.


Unknown said...

o grande jornalista terá o bolso furado? aquele bolso dos favores...

(a)Mora said...

"he's a WHAT? he's a WHAT?
he's a newspaper man
and he gets his best ideas
from a newspaper stand;
from his boots to his pants
to his comments and his rants
he knows that any little article will do!

though he expresses some confusion
bout his part in the plan,
and he can't understand
that he's not in command;
the decisions underwritten
by the cash in his hand
bought a sweater for
his weimariner too"


dancing choose, tv on the radio :)

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